Tuesday 25 June 2013

Lord of the Rings

So a while ago I made a quick video showing the LOTR jewellery I had made. This is a little shitty video, and my jewellery is much better now, but I had a lot of fun doing it :D

EDIT. Just remembered that I made this for a LOTR event that was shit, but I got my money back for it. Seriously though, there was 3 people who came, and it was in a casino. WTF. And now the company who arranged it has broken up :/ It had potential to be amazing. Imagine if it was hosted in a big, huge medieval hall, with an outdoor area that had old fashioned tents sent up. 

It kinda reminds me of a outdoor festival that used to be near where I lived - Chopwell Woods. It was great, there was LARPing, back when I didn't know what LARP was, lots of food, how to make things with nature, some animals. It was just a great day out for the family.

Here's just a few of the LOTR jewellery 

Sunday 23 June 2013

Lit Fest Mini Comic Con

I ran out of business cards a few days before an event, luckily my bestie made me these cuties!
Just printed in photo paper, and they work really well!

Yesterday (Saturday) I went to Middlesbrough for Lit Fest Mini Comic Con at the central library.
It was a tiny event, but the deco was gorgeous! Reminded me of Lara Croft's library, all heavy wooden furniture with massive iron radiators. The staff were lovely, with free tea and coffee, there was about 10 stallholders all together, 2 authors, and a fair few artists.

Here's me pulling a weird face.

It was a very long day, as Middlesbrough is quite far away, about 1- 2 hours away, just for a little event where I didn't really make enough money to cover the cost of petrol. But it was fun!

Then I got home and started preparing for NERG (North East Retro Gaming) with a few hours spent at a mates, then right back into it!

Bubble Bobble!


Bought this game when I was in Dundee as it's something that I've wanted since it came out (if you couldn't tell I'm a proper LOTR geek)

As I find with every Lego game, the controls are awkward, I know that it's my fault though, I'm just terribad with them.

The problem I find with this game, is when you play co-op and if you both switch characters at the same moment, you also switch screens.... I don't understand why! And imagine if it happens during a hard part :( Much panicking ensued. But Lego makes up for it with much humour and damn adorableness. We see a lot of the comic relief that Gimli brings in the films, and this is fine! It is used in a way that makes it nice for kids and adults, especially when Gimli grabs Legolas' arm in Paths of the Dead.

Don't get me started on dwarf tossing.

Or Gimli riding Shadowfax.

Seriously though, if you are a fan of the books and films, get this game, it's so good <3

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Legend of Zelda Inspired Pieces

 I should start by saying that I have never played a Zelda game in my life, well, that's a little bit of a lie. I played the beginning of the first one, I think, and the beginning of a Gamecube one, starts with a ship?

See? I have no idea!

But I was asked by many people if I would make some, and of course! I'm always open to requests and I do like the Legend of Zelda story/Universe.


Link head

LOZ Health bar (I've now replaced the white with transparent)

In-progress shot of me making Link head, photo by Darkview (Jordan)

Link heads and Squirtle! Photo by Darkview (Jordan)

I'm going to make full body versions of Link and Princess Zelda, and maybe the baddie (Ganondorf?)


Monday 17 June 2013


So I've had Raptr for while and I only really started to notice things about it, like the reward scheme it has. I've never used it as I don't have any of the games for it, but it looks really good! Nice little something for people using their site, shame it's for games I'd never buy :/

I get easily lost in it, never too sure what I'm clicking on, all I want to see is my chieves! And to compare them to mine XD Even though my score is always lower *sad*

Sadly I don't think I'll use Raptr to it's full potential, as I'm not a one for using forums and such, I don't even use Steam's community forums :/

Also, I've been watching The Office US

Sunday 16 June 2013

Rayman Legends

So we had a new trailer for Rayman Legends at E3, now I couldn't help but stare at this young lady.

Barbara the Barbarian.

Ubisoft has decided to give her some gravity defying assets, as we can see at work below

We actually see them jiggle at 0.27, whuuut?

I'm just slightly dissappointed as I always thought that Rayman was aimed at young kids, and I dunno, it just seems inappropriate and unneeded.  And you can see from the comments that no-one is interested in the game, just the tits :/

Friday 14 June 2013


After playing too much Skyrim, I need to get some work done, so here is my Sherlock inspired jewellery.

Sherlock jewellery time

I haven't taken photos of everything yet :/ I'll get on this soon!

Thursday 13 June 2013

Wednesday 12 June 2013

First time for everything

Like Skyrim! Yes I have finally bought it *cheers and applauds*  But yeah, so I bought it for Xbox so I wouldn't be tempted to cheat like I did with Oblivion XD

I just wish that the horses were better to control, and when you select someone to follow you they equipped the things that you give them, *cough* Uthgred equip that bastarding Dwarven armour *cough*

And ohmygod, that climb to the Greybeards, almost killed me of boredom! I'm not ready to do anymore of the main quest until I've played about with the other quests. Like, right now, I'm in Morthal and trying to get rid of all the baddies, the guards really didn't appreciate that :( 

I can't decide who to side with either, Stormcloaks or Imperials, I prefer the people on the Stormcloak side, but the Imperials just seem better, idk. And the Thalmor, wtf?!

Anywhooooo. Bye!

*plays Skyrim*


First off, I haven't had the change to watch anything from it yet, but from what I can tell (thank you facebook, twitter and tumblr) is that Sony took a shit on Microsoft pretty much, yeah?

I managed to catch the Xbox press release a while ago, very, very disappointed by them :/ I totally loved the original Xbox when it came out, Timesplitters and Halo anyone? Pfft Fable? Yes please. Then we had the 360, got that a few months after release, picked up L.A Noire at the same time, looooved it! Managed to get Lost Odyssey a while later.

I always hated paying for the ability to go online, to download stuff, to watch stuff, so I got Steam at this point. And now the Xbone (haha, bone) has to always have internet connection, urgh, I live in an area with shit internet, and we have the best you possibly can for the area. So there is no chance of that happening! I'm really sad to think that I won't be getting the new Xbox, but it just doesn't appeal at all, and I know the PS4 is meant to be amazing, but I'm slowly being put off consoles by the fanboys and girls.

I think it's time to upgrade the PC and get some serious flashing lights installed.

Monday 10 June 2013

Lolita Jewellery

I was asked by two of my lovely friends to make some jewellery for some of their up and coming Lolita co-ords! I was given a free rein, pretty much, for this, they told me what was on the skirt prints and I just went from there.

Bow ring, cupcake ring and cupcake bracelet for Rosie.

Butterfly bracelet, lollipop and rainbow bracelet
 Bow ring and Lollipop ring

Derpy-Chan, Lollipop and Butterfly hair clips!
These were all for Laura :)

Mega fun to do, and very tempted to create more of those hair clips for my shop :D


So excited! I just received a package today, it's my Lolita skirts! aahflajglakjgklajgla
Sorry, but I'm just so excited!

How pretty! They are from Bodyline (I bought from Lolita Sale UK) 
The lefthand skirt is the Alice print and the right is the carnival print, I think?

Now to make a Lolita co-ord <3

Sunday 9 June 2013

Sunny weekends..

So it's been another glorious weekend for the North East and I've been a busy bee!

Had lots of deliveries of these these cute supplies

Dinosaur, cupcake, Pacman, deer and many more fabrics for cute bows.

Which you can see below :3

Got my package of cute pastel star beads, they're so cute, and slightly curved.
I made some simple bracelets with these, using some for necklaces too. 

Parents are away for their holiday tomorrow, so my plan is to get a lot of my Aragorn cosplay complete. I hope I can anyway :D

Saturday 8 June 2013

Assassins Creed, Batman and Halo's Masterchief!

Been making a few little video game inspired bead sprites. Just little ones for now.

I attempted the AC symbol

Batman! (I was going to put the nananana's but wasn't sure how many there was :S)


Planning on making more video game inspired things, I'm at a retro gaming event in a few weeks, so I'll be making lots of goodies for that!

NERG - North East Retro Gaming event.

Thursday 6 June 2013


Very late update, but I went to Screen-con (Sci-fi convention) on May 4th, it was it's very first event, and it was fantastic! I was a dealer there so I wanted to keep my costume quite simple, and my table buddy was going as fem!Bofur (just a female version of a character) so I went as fem!Thorin with a Lolita twist.

I made the belt buckle and mini bracers very quick before the con, just out of foam, little test run for Aragorn.

Just wore a big poofy black skirt and top with geometric patterns.

For Screen-con I wanted to look at what was famous in the Sci-fi genre. Well that just pretty much consists of all the 'Star' movies, Star Trek, Star Wars, I never got around to making any Stargate or Battlestar Galactica stuff :(

Here we have part of my face and Star Trek TNG communicator badge, R2D2 and Boba Fett.

After finally getting to North Shields, we walked into a massive hall with rows of tables and set up, I have the bestie with me with her amazing drawings set up (currently persuading her to get her own table at future events, I know she can do it! She's finally getting her confidence back, which is ace). I bought a sign for my stall, but forgot the string, idiot that I am.

Unfortunately there were empty tables either side of mine :/ Which was annoying, as I knew someone who wanted a table, but Screen-con said there wasn't any.... well.
But I managed to pick up Eomer and Laura picked up Gimli.

Sexy mo'fo's

There were alot of amazing cosplay/costumes there, I only managed to get a few pictures of them, I keep telling myself I'll get more!
Oh and there was this lovely Bofur cosplayer too!

Doctor Who cosplayers.

As I said, it was an amazing event to go too, and I can see it doing well in the future, they've already arrange Scream-con for October which I'll be going to. Just hope they sort out events to do during the day, as I couldn't tell what was on myself.

Last Of Us

So I've only recently heard about this game and I just brushed it off as a Fallout-esqe game (I've only played the 1st one when I was a young'un and was terrified by it, so I've never played any of them since, even though I know they are meant to be amazing games, maybe one day I will). It's caming out around the time that we have Tomb Raider, Walking Dead and Uncharted, which it looks a combination of to me.

Of course I have never read anything about it or watched any of the trailers.
Looks unbelievable pretty

Oh. My. Fucking. God. 

I remember wiki-ing The Road a few years ago, after I had watched The Book Of Eli, which is fantastic btw, I just remember how interesting it was that someone would go so far to help out a child that wasn't there's, that their survival meant more to them than their's. I hope that Naughty Dog will keep this in the Last Of Us, and that the girl, Ellie, will be able to help you, Joel, out, maybe like Elizabeth in Bioshock Infinite!
Gameplay trailer

Also it's Troy Baker! adjlakhgjlglajg. (Do you think we'll get to ride horses??)

Now to get a PS3 :( 

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Ho shit son! Telltale Games

Telltale games just teased future content on their Twitter!

I watched Yogscast Hannah's playthrough of the first season, and it was amazing, I'm not a one to play zombie games (scaredy cat here!)

She play's video games pretty similar to me (though she's a wee bit better XD) so it's nice not to have to play them, but still thinking about buying it in the future, as I totally bum Telltale Games.

Here's the link to one of Telltale Games' Vine's https://vine.co/v/b3YOhn5DTFA - Russell
Go check out the rest, mega excited!

Here's a link to their Twitter too! https://twitter.com/telltalegames

This week's Humble Bundle has The Walking Dead in it too. Aswell as Back to the Future, Sam & Max: Devils Playhouse and many more awesomeness.

Sunday 2 June 2013

So I recently got into playing with Hama beads (also called Perler beads and Fuse beads) and bought lots of mini ones, these are tiny! I recommend using tweezers with them, and of course a peg board.

These are my first attempts!

 Legend of Zelda Health Bar and Pacman!

Red and Green Super Mario Mushroom

 Super Mario Super Star and Pokeball

White and Black Mage from Final Fantasy

'Wark' Yellow Chocobo from Final Fantasy

These were all unbelievably fun to do! I've made many more since doing these fellas and won't be stopping anytime soon :3 
Check out my facebook page over here!

I'm setting up a tumblr page at the moment for my jewellery, it'll be under the name of charlesbazaar just like this.