Tuesday 2 June 2015

Well hello!

So Sunnycon is approaching fast now, with just over 3 weeks to go preparations are well in the works! There will be new products to grab there, my Legend of Korra jewellery, available as a set or individually, Attack on Titan, new Legend of Zelda products, Rupees, chests and more. 

I'm very much looking forward to showing it all off, although it has been difficult! Goffietwerb aka Laura, is joining me again for this years event, we did it together last year too, but we decided on the day on our stall set up. Now we're 2 steps ahead and have sorted out displays and done a mock set up, nothing can go wrong right??

Look at the preperation!

I'll be bringing a long my first lolita coord to wear on the Saturday, Bodylines Squirrel Party dress in blue, its so pretty! Something nice and light to wear, for Sunday its either Pam from Archer or normal clothing as it was roasting last year!

Next year Sunnycon is moving to Newcastle and I am absolutely excited and happy for the Sunnycon team to get this far! Can't wait to see what the future holds at this event.